TRIALS OF DARRYL HUNT | Director: | Stern, Ricki & Sundberg, Anne |
| | Year Released: | 2006 | Jan's Rating: Rich's Rating: | 3.5 out of 5 3 out of 5 | Key Performances: | Darryl Hunt Sykes Family/Friends Defense Team/Supporters Police/Prosecutors/Judges Reporters/Observers
| Movie Haiku: | August, 1984: Deborah Sykes goes missing. Winston-Salem police zero in on a black man, Darryl Hunt, who is quickly arrested, convicted, & imprisoned for life. It takes 20 years for North Carolina authorities to exonerate & release him. Compelling story, but the telling is too linear, literal & plodding. | ADDITIONAL FF2 INFO ABOUT THIS FILM: | Women filmmakers? | Yes | Jewish content? | No | Haiku Posted: | 2007 | |