Read Jan’s Oscar article in THE DIGITAL FILMMAKER Website:
When you’re a film critic, Oscar Night is a bit of a bore. We’re like political pundits energized by the primaries; from long experience, we know that by the time election night rolls around, most of the important issues have already been decided. So my biggest day of the year is the day that Oscar nominations are announced, not the day awards are actually distributed.
Read Jan’s Oscar Chat with WRFK Radio Host Jim
A year ago we visited with Chicago Film Critic Jan Huttner, who was not at all happy about the Oscar nominations of 2006; and here is it 2007. Everything went as planned for DREAMGIRLS, except the eight nominations did not include one for Best Picture. We’ll talk about this and much more. The Oscar nominations were released a few days ago. Good to have you back on WRKF, Jan Huttner.
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